Sunday Apr. 12, 2015
To win the lottery, you have to buy a ticket.
To publish a book, first you have to write one.
Selling them … well that’s a different matter for another time.
Recent vacation-time conclusions of resolve and time management. Hard decisions made. More to follow. Can’t cut back more on sleep. I’ll cut other things. Struggling some, procrastinating lots – encouragement, mishaps (mentorship’s many forms), life lessons from friends, from foes – such for rich material. Not that this story can write itself, but how could it not just flow out of me now …?
Been stuck/waiting too long. Starting-mode. Story building, words finally falling onto pages. I’m ready. I’m writing. I now have an answer to: ‘how is that book coming?’
It’s coming.
Nothing at first. A few words about creating – about how nothing of mine was ever created, until I started …
I started late.
To think a first novel written at my age might be useful to anyone let alone sell some copies is an outrageous boast. So, there is no pressure. Unless I create some …
I’ve been writing this column daily for over twelve years, did a one year poetry project, wrote short stories for a year. Been there, done that. But the novel, the book, so many false-start manuscript beginnings. Here and there. Nothing finished, nothing to put out there.
If I was chipping marble, what could I reveal?
I’ve not acted, but believe I could.
Been counseled not to sing in public.
No sense of rhythm. I cannot imagine writing a tune.
I can scarcely hum, unless I’m cooking or writing.
Then, I can hum …
Mark Kolke
P.S.: Gusta seems happy to be home after two weeks romping with other vacation-sequestered pooches. She seems well groomed and well exercised … and happy to be sleeping in comfortable quiet spots …
column written/ published from Calgary
morning walk: 1C/33F, nippy and mostly clear at first light. Gusta seemed to be questioning her surroundings as we walked an old familiar route – stopping to look and sniff frequently as if it was new territory or perhaps questioning her short-term memory. It is good to be back to normal, walking with an extended leash being pulled putting torque on knees and shoulder … like old times!
Reader feedback:
Welcome back, Mark. Know you will enjoy tomorrow’s walk with Gusta. She’ll be glad to be “home” as well, BR, Calgary, AB