Wednesday Apr. 15, 2015
Plunging back into pace/race schedule (I way over-booked my capacity), my early days back feeling treadmill-like mini-marathons – today/tomorrow too – my purposeful après vacation mode resumes …
Yesterday, fully overloaded day – getting so much done, yet not enough done (compared to my expectations), spending quality time on some valuable calls, some face-to-face time, and yet the day ended late with so much not yet done …
Is that recipe for feeling good, or feeling poorly?
Could be either I suppose, depending on attitude. In part, my attitude. In part, the attitude of others. Thanks to an interesting luncheon invite (thanks JJ, nice to see you RH & CB), thanks to a call from RH (other one). How am I? Pumped. Tired (really? You just got back from a vacation …).
Yesterday’s column was influenced a lot by a piece I wrote about an extraordinary guy, someone who makes mere troubles seem so trivial. Wayne’s daily courage inspires me. Last night I listened to Charlie Rose interviewing David Brooks about his new book, The Road to Character.
I’m so inspired by these guys, and so ‘not bothered’ by my workload.
How good do you feel, how well, how strong, how pumped, how down, how poorly… and who is responsible for that?
Getting down, on ourselves, on how things are – on tough days, long days, punishing ones – because of expectations we set ourselves up for, loaded, overloaded …
Seriously, how tough is it?
Compared to people with real trouble, real challenges, not very.
We all can get down – not based on our load, but by that attitude with which we choose to carry it …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 0C/32F, clear, light breeze and nippy/humid … last night’s snow shower melted as quickly as it fell; Gusta came back from rabbit trail sniffing without-mucky-paws so she gets a bonus biscuit for staying dry ..