Tuesday Apr. 21, 2015
Da hurrier I goes, da behinder I gets …
Ever have one of those days?
Another Tuesday/FACILITYCalgary publishing day unfolded, alarm clock and phone began striking their chords, long before any roosters stirred, glitches with the interview feature … yikes!
Webster’s CHAOS definition: complete confusion and disorder; a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything; and, the state of the universe before there was any order and before stars and planets were formed
Day runs away with itself before I blinked, schedule off-rail, plans scuttled, appointments changed, before I jump in the shower.
Before I write my column. Before I start my work day. Before phones start ringing and that proverbial treadmill starts turning … except, I’m not anywhere near that gym or treadmill or likely to be soon …
This describes – and I’ve slightly understated it, my morning this morning.
The world according to me, so far, today.
Not that my work load is crushing – because every day, or rather every night, before I turn into a pumpkin I set out the morning things, lay out the day ahead, check the schedule and get errand/appointment material set by the door or into my briefcase. Still, some days, that uber organization overwhelms any sense of order or coordination in my day.
I make this confession freely with apologies to everyone I let down yesterday and those I let down before noon today … be assured, I’ll catch up.
I will. Soon. But first, I need a shower. And breakfast, would be nice. Maybe I’ll start my day at noon, or subscribe to chaos thinking. Perhaps it won’t matter.
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 8C/47F, sunny (though it was pitch-purple when we walked at 5:00AM), Gusta happy to have a long stretch, I was happy for the ‘wakie-wakie’ effect of morning’s freshness …