Friday Apr. 24, 2015
Ready, set, go …
If I had just one more day.
Too many things to finish within allotted time – that’s MY convention, I know … each week winds up, leaving me often with this wish – if I had just ONE MORE day between yesterday and today – without phones ringing, appointments, deadlines. What a great way that would be, to be ready for weekends ~
Conventions in life, in work, to do tasks within allotted time. Or, when there isn’t much to do, our work tends to expand, to fill the time allocated for its completion …
Leaving, mid-day, to attend a Toastmasters Convention. Whatever isn’t complete by noon will just have to wait to greet me upon my return Sunday evening.
Coming home is never as much fun as anticipation, or doing …
Must run …
Mark Kolke
P.S.: … publishing this before our morning walk – before I scoot Gusta to the kennel where she will have a little convention of her own – a weekend of laughing and telling stories, renewing friendships and making new ones. Yikes … I have to pack!
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
Reader feedback
Time for a great cup of coffee. I say, any time is time for a great cup of coffee. So much discussion lately on the benefits of coffee on our bodies; one cup, two cups, black with no cream or sugar is recommended. As for me and my mental health one to three cups with a dollop of half-and-half is necessary for my mental health. My body agrees with the mind on this one. The great part comes in the form of flavored, or foo-foo as my late husband called it, depending on my mood. My all time favorite is pecan flavored coffee with coconut coming in a close second. Read the rest of the musing today, but that is what stuck with me. GW, Bon Wier, Tx.