Sunday Apr/ 26, 2015
Can you see what I see?
Of course. We speak variations. It is a wonder we speak the same language.
Been here before …
Yes, this city.
This hotel.
This time of day.
Not this time of this life.
Lessons rarely learned when someone is teaching, far more succinctly when night hits its mid-point ..
Clarity awakens, fatigue clears confusion. In any language – truths of actions are not fitted for political correctness, because nobody ever was truly injured by a hurt feeling – because we were formed by them.
Actions speak louder than words in so many ways. When we aren’t watching we hear only what we want to hear and see only what everyone else sees.
Cannot imagine everything so different – not this circle I am talking, but one I move in.
Déjà vu-viewing overtook …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Lethbridge, AB
morning walk: -1C/30F, mostly clear – a short walk (I’ll ice my knee when I get home), overlooking the coulees and infamous trestle of Lethbridge’s river valley … raw nature, where ungulates play