Wednesday Apr. 29, 2015
I connected yesterday – first time.
New friend perhaps. There are three people, possibly more, on my mailing list who might think I am writing about them …
I am.
And I am not.
Everyone we meet, one way or another, fits this description: too soon to know
Like yesterday, today will fill-up with adventures, tasks and explorations. Opportunity streams through our transom – someone’s grief, someone’s joy, someone’s opportunity. We’ll never know unless we snatch it – and say, YES, this one is mine!
Every time, meeting new friends, colleagues, prospective clients – we might be opening boxes of troubles or just as easily opening cornucopias of delicious fantastic joys, exploration, fulfillment …
Organizing my day I realized I’ve got quite a bit on my plate (who said this market is slow?), mostly new business, new clients, new referrals – mostly, new people, adding to my collection.
Thanks BB (reader reaching out) for lunch yesterday. Thanks JP for that client referral. Thanks MK for that inspiration/information – lets do a deal! Thanks JM for your intriguing note. And, thanks CT for your call last night … oh my, time flew.
Thanks to everyone who made my day.
Thanks in advance to everyone who will make my day today.
Seems, in each of these connections, I am an integral part.
There’s the rub of it, nub of it, sometimes that which eludes us is within our grasp, and we can’t see it for what it is because no connection worth having doesn’t have us, our own person, at the center of it.
Too often it is about us, or about them – when it should be, about whee!
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 9C/48F, overcast, light breeze. Knee is better but still not 100% so we went slow – until a rabbit caught Gusta’s attention and my shoulder felt like my arm was being wrenched from its socket … and we never got close to that rabbit again because each time we walked a half-block he’d hopped a half-block more.
Reader feedback
Hi Mark, thank you for today's Musing and specially for a glimpse of your daily routine. Superb time management skills! I now understand the terms "Self-directed" vs "Self-paced"! I thought the terms were synonyms but now I KNOW the difference! , CR, Victoria, BC
A very distinct message this morning Mark and very curious at the same time. I noticed on MSN this morning that they feature numerous quotes from athletes and a significant number of them address failures as leading to ultimate success. Good timing! Cheers, RA, Calgary, AB
Success (however you define it) emerges from the failures; you can’t have one without the other. Life is about successfully failing (not just a process of elimination, but an actual growth experience). The only true failure is surrender; never give up! KK, Calgary AB
Agree that we give up on people......except (hopefully) not our kids, PL, Calgary, AB