Wednesday Apr. 4, 2018
Confessions of a complainant …
I was their faithful paying customer.
Many years.
I complained about something they admitted doing badly, every month. Many customers complained, every month. Still, my service ended because I complained too emphatically. I won’t mention which company, but happy to tell should anyone ask.
Unreasonable people, or ‘businesses’ acting unreasonably?
Bizarre communications and unreasonable position (theirs, not mine) caused me more laughter and some inconvenience. Cost savings for me, revenue loss for them.
I call a spade a shovel sometimes. Not ‘knee-jerk’ automatic. More controlled, calculated and not always softly spoken …
My dad was the opposite, he was never outwardly disagreeable no matter how foul his mood, no matter how wronged he was, he kept smiling, kept taking it.
When I was young I believed he lacked backbone. My view shifted as I saw him at his most vulnerable later in life – appreciating he’d not learned to stand up strongly for himself which I found odd, because to me he was strong in so many ways. Always. From when I was a toddler. He was short, 5’7” before old age shrinkage shortened him, but he always seemed tall and strong in my eyes. I’d always seen him that way …
This started as analysis of why I got overly-disputatious about something stupid – led me to an extraordinary nuance of understanding I’d never before considered. Should I call them, to thank them for their stupidity?
Yes, I’m disagreeable sometimes. Critics might add, “and rarely completely right”, but I almost always think I’m right and justified …
People and businesses are rarely what first they seem to be.