Monday Apr. 10, 2017
When young, we saw something. Decades later, same situation, re-thinking from memories – our perspective on it changes.
Recently, discussing a comparable past project, where initial statements of ‘here is what we want to do’ changed direction, momentum and objectives frequently from ‘idea’ to ‘end-point’. Recounting that story I realized this current project (and some of my frustrations with its players) is going through exactly that same transformation.
And, chanced upon Wayne Dyer’s: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
A thought, in scientific terms is not gas, liquid or a solid. Doesn’t have mass, doesn’t have weight.
We know, deep down, if something is meaningful, valuable and clear – it can become very solid and have considerable weight. How do we do this? First, we affirm its value. We say more that ‘yeah, yay or yes’, we affirm it. We state it. We repeat it. We make it something with structure, purpose and value – from wisp of a thought, to heavyweight value is all about mental strength. We can do anything we set out to do; we all know that. But what we set out to do, even if it begins just with a wisp of an idea, can become a gas that burns, a liquid that flows and something solid, valid and anchoring.
Significance of this?
Initiatives, efforts and beliefs are all ‘just thoughts’ until we make them something else.
Affirmations are a powerful tool – not to persuade others, but to persuade ourselves. Now go ahead, have a great day – affirm it, own it, make it real – you are the only one who can.