Sunday Apr. 21, 2019
I’ve wondered if ‘doing things slower than I ought to’ is a product of age, wisdom and experience or if I’ve just always been this way.
If I am open and honest – I have probably always been slower rather than faster on many things. But I also realize I’m now slower for different reasons. I think I pounce on things that are urgent or short shelf-life opportunities more quickly than ever – in part because they are important and require speedy action to capture, and in part because experience has taught me how to be cognizant of their value.
The flip-side of this is recognizing better – perhaps through experience more than anything, is that some things need to marinate longer and come together with ideas that aren’t ripe yet – of biding time and laying ground work for bigger and better things to happen.
Rarely do I get fussed about something because I did it too soon, reacted too soon or spent time thinking about it too soon. Too often it’s too late. I did it too late (or not soon enough), reacted too late or spent time thinking about it too late.
Reader feedback:
Mark, here I am thinking about you and and your animated mind and the stories that you stir us with. Life has been a subject of study, in our family, this year. Our son’s nearly 27-year life was about surprise and awe. He captured it in his journal since 8-years old, in his camera in recent years and he animated the environment around himself with like-minded individuals who give way more than they take. These kids are the sand on their own pearl and for all those surrounding them. They get up, are thoughtful about their time and then they act with intention and resilience. CAUSE OF LIFE? BE CAUSE OF LIFE! CAUSE LIFE, JF, Calgary, AB
Some days you read better than other days. It might be me, it’s probably you or both could be true. Anyway, today was one of those better days. Which reminds me that we are overdue to break bread (no bread, damn you, you agreed to do the keto diet with me. Damn it! Yes, dear, veggies, fat and proteins, got it...). Also golf, provided it’s keto golf, or at least gluten free. What’s your dance card look like?, RH, Calgary, AB
Hello Mark - again thanks for meeting with me and the sage advice you provided. It was good to connect. The three words that come to mind for me are: drive, persistent and purpose. Commitment to others was another thought as it was 3 words as well. Hope you have a nice Easter with your family. Regards, MK, Calgary, AB