Wednesday Apr. 26, 2017
I don’t mean a nun’s costume.
I’m talking about habits and habit formation.
We all know this term – often associated with things that aren’t good for us (junk food, sloth, tardiness) or our failed New Year’s Resolutions (quitting something, starting something) but what is it really, the forming of a habit?
And can we do it by design? How much focus and repetition does something need before it because automatic, part of our lives – a habit?
Online thesaurus tells me there are many synonyms for habituate. Is this like spring-cleaning our closets, can we just toss out an old habit, then acquire a new one?
Starting something new, making it part of our lives, can happen slowly when we aren’t noticing – often the case with bad habits, but I think the most important element of making a new habit stick is the degree of commitment we have to that choice. I know that sounds so trite, but think about how much passion, commitment and zeal you exhibit on something that matters very much to you – something you knock yourself out over, day and night, committed to its accomplishment. THAT is the kind of focus we need to make a new habit a permanent habit. And, I think, the more significant our goal or objective, the more powerful and unwavering that commitment needs to be. If it doesn’t meet that standard, it is unlikely any new habit will stick. I don’t have stats to support this – just very strong feelings and experience which tell me this is true.
Just try – might become habit forming.
Go ahead, make a habit.
Or break one.
Reader feedback:
A very good note today. I just sent it to all my (adult) kids and to my son-in-law. Best regards, MJT, Calgary, AB