Friday Apr. 28, 2017
Recent days, alternating rain and snow, causing grass greening-up, tree and shrub buds poised to leaf-out. Still, even hedges are hedging their bets on whether snowy days are truly done.
So begins another growing season – for nature, predicated on new births, new grown – baby critters, birds hatching chicks and prairie crocuses bursting into bloom.
But what about us, are we in a growing season? Am I? Are you?
Stretching should more than a gym trip to stretch our bodies – how about diving into a book rather than a pool, curling up with a book or with someone who has read one, stretching our brains is as important, if not more so, than our bodies.
True, our bodies are just vehicles to transport our heads around – but what’s the point if there isn’t much going on inside our head?
Yes, it’s spring – time for planting, for planting seeds of knowledge in our heads: so easy to listen to audio books, take a course (or teach one), work with someone (maybe engage an accountability partner??) to keep on track. We can’t wait for our mom or teacher to kick us in the behind – we need to be self-kickers, need a little KITA
The diet continues to be a struggle. In my defense to the scale, “It seems the more I go to the gym, ride my bike and lose weight – I get hungry and all logic about portion size (or extra helpings) goes out the window. I’ve tried taping my fridge door closed.
Yes, I can pull back that tape – but doing that gives me a momentary pause/KITA to re-think before I eat …