Wednesday Apr. 5, 2017
I’ve been criticized when I explain having never seen Schindler’s List, Malcolm X – great flicks, often award winners.
I know how they end.
Watching movies, TV dramas or comedies – or news, I don’t know how it will end.
I’m entertained – sports or election night coverage, riveted because I don’t know how it will end.
From childhood, we’ve known Humpty Dumpty will have a great fall – all those king’s horses, all those king’s men can’t put Humpty together again.
So, when Humpty falls, what can you do but make scrambled eggs and clean up those pieces?
I’ve over-consumed Trump-nonsense, not watching anymore – I know how it ends.
So, when pretty sure something will end badly, what should we do?
Speak up, speak out, advocate change, cross our fingers?
Or, just wait for Humpty to fall?