Saturday Apr. 8, 2017
My wish lists. My do lists – aren’t growing shorter or more focused.
Shouldn’t they be getting shorter?
It seems, the more I do, the more I try to do – which is partly logical, because as our capacity to do more, be more efficient and tackle more difficult things the ‘what I could do’ list gets longer, right?
Or should it be the opposite?
I have, as I’ve done many times, got my lists re-prioritized – clearly many items have not been getting their deserved effort. I don’t need anyone to call and remind me … I know. I’m workin’ on it.
So, why does this matter so much? I have three very clear reasons:
First, reminding myself that written clearly defined specific challenging attainable measurable and rewarding goals are THE only ones that hold me self-accountable …
Second, this is like triage – and I’m the patient; am I lost cause that can’t be helped, needing immediate attention to improve or best set aside to get attention after all other troubles-du-jour are attended to?
Third, to benefit from a gym membership, you actually have to go …
Is life that simple, just three things to remember, three things to do?
Of course not, but how many things can we focus maximum attention on at one time, on one day or for one week? One? Two? Three?
I juggle – I think everyone does – to handle many things, and we easily take care of a hundred little routine things daily …
But when things REALLY matter, when our focus is required totally, completely and unreservedly on something, we know we can do it. Just think about the last emergency your responded to, think about that crisis which enveloped your life or your project, remember that ‘big honkin’ event’ when you did your best work, when your adrenalin supply was on high and your skills were pumping on all cylinders – when that happened, how much of your day was devoted to all ‘the other stuff’ …? Not much, right? Just the essentials – and then we had all other time and energy for THAT which needed us when the chips were down.
Well, next time we examine something that isn’t succeeding as it should, or we aren’t making the progress we could – we won’t find the answer in a book. We’ll find it in ‘our own record’ of what we did so very well when we absolutely had no other focus, and used all our skills and determination.
OK, turn the fire on again …
P.S.: here’s a little bit of wisdom from the late Lou Tice – pulled from his book Personal Coaching For Results which I’m re-enjoying: In most cases, your estimate of the time it will take to accomplish a goal is just that – your best guess. Some things you’ll achieve sooner, some later. If your goal isn’t reached in the time frame you set, set a new one. Do whatever needs to be done. If you’ve done just about all you can, but it’s not enough and the goal is still important to you, rest a bit; then do some more. When do you stop working on a goal? When you’ve stopped wanting it or when you’ve gotten what you want.
Thank you Lou!
Reader feedback:
Good for you Mark. I made a decision this week to stop drinking alcohol until June 30th. So far so good and really affecting my weight. Hang in there, we're solid winners! GB, Calgary, AB
Happy Friday Mark!! I liked your Musings column today – getting into an exercise / health routine can be a bit tough to stick to at first, but when it starts to work it’s magic, PV, Calgary, AB