Friday Aug. 18, 2017
Can we manage our moving parts better?
Many complex things, busy, too much work, not enough time, too many ideas, too many opportunities, connections, complexities – our sweet-ticking Swiss-watch-movement of work and life balance and efficiency is stuck, or broken, or lost …
When too many parts are moving, they overwhelm.
My recipe:
Regaining focus always seems to be far more complex that just deciding to do so – because there is so much, so many, so confusing a conflation of issues, people, deadlines and processes woven into everything we are connected with …
Not so easy to undo, to reverse.
Losing focus is so easy to do. Just a few days of distraction by some shiny object, or time-committed to a project or task. Before you know it, things pile up – and you feel one step away from chaos. I find it is almost a recurring theme, but I’ve learned to keep it from destroying my day – getting back on track. It’s not for everyone. It’s just ‘my way’ …
I’ve tried, retried and tried-over and over again – always at a loss for a solution that really works; so I go back to the only thing that has ever worked.
Do one thing, get it done.
Do another. Get it done.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Occasional triage of incoming things to do, re-ordering the pile. And then, again. That’s the trick, is it not?
And, if you aren’t throwing something away every day, scrapping something every day, blowing up something every day – how can you make room for something new to land on your plate, enter your brain or gain your attention?
Reader feedback:
Was thinking of you and the topics you right about when a friend sent this to me. Since you are a master of language, it might be interesting to write something about language (or maybe you have already), CG, Toronto, ON