Tuesday, August 11, 2020
There is no such thing as a perfect day, but some days are extraordinary in the unfolding of surprises that show up. It’s not about a ship coming in, or swimming out to meet one, but the accumulation of several little things. Little moments. Someone calls or writes. Someone poses an intriguing question. We think about someone. We do something we didn’t have to do that might offer help, service, information, or validation to someone – not for some ‘surprise someone else’ factor or tactic – simply to be real, to be thoughtful, and to be useful as we go about our business in the world. I’ve had a few of those days recently, some tilted more on the receiving end than my actions might deserve, which inspire and remind me to tilt the other way some more.
Reader feedback:
If we are presented with some “good” candidates and if people will exercise their right to vote, we may even end up with elections decided by the majority of those eligible to vote and not just a majority of those who voted. I know it is sometimes difficult to see how our vote will count, but it is one of the things democracy is built on. I hope everyone practices their right to vote. LH, Lethbridge, AB
Yes, yes, and yes Mark! There are no good guys left at the top of the political rung, just power hungry, ‘elect me‘ focused. We have the baby, they have the bully...voting is the only voice that will count, but no one inspires us to get passionate, other than in opposition. I am going to send you an editorial that was really well written, SF, Lethbridge, AB … Gwynne Dyer: Predicting and ‘October Surprise’