Sunday, August 16, 2020
Start something.
Stop something.
Discard something.
Invent or create something.
Not unlike our animal kingdom ancestors, we spend our time, energy, intelligence to provide food, clothing, shelter, and safety from threats – so we can survive.
Most of those elements have been honed into a security blanket we all share; nobody should be homeless, hungry, or sick. Still, many are. And, until nine months ago, we didn’t have to live in fear of a virus. We’ve adapted to mask-wearing and keeping our distance. When is the last time you shook hands with a stranger or hugged a friend?
We need to get past that to invent or create something.
And to make room for something new, usually, something has to go by the wayside, discarded or abandoned.
And we all have many things we ought to stop doing, so stop already!
But mostly, we all need to start something rooted in good work, good ideas, and good spirits – not because we are afraid of anything or anyone, but because we have so much to give, and so many reasons to live the free and carefree life we used to know. We can, just differently for a while.
How long a while?
Is it really crucial for us to know that?
Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Do we know our why?
It is undoubtedly not what we take from the world, but what we give to the world.
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Reader feedback:
Mark, as you said, in the end there’s only one group that pays for everything, the consumer. We have some “control” of every business because of this, but we “control” the politicians with our vote. The majority of those who vote (everyone should vote) get what they want. With way too many people not voting, the true majority may not be getting what they want, but we can only blame ourselves if we didn’t vote. LH, Lethbridge, AB