Saturday, August 22, 2020
What starts your engine?
About the time this email goes out, my ‘first alarm’ will be going off. I’ll probably be in bed rather than the too-frequent waking up in my recliner with TV still on …
Early rising – best way I’ve found to foster productive mornings, gets me getting more done in the morning, the smaller portion of my day’s tasks then MUST get done in my afternoon. Over-stuffed afternoons usually produce very long days that make evenings into work-time rather than a time for rest and leisure.
For me, every great day is rooted in my morning routine. Mostly the same every day, morphing with little changes over time to get more done, be better organized, and getting the exercise I need to get healthier, lighter, and live longer – and live better.
Morning is reading and writing routine, then out for my morning walk – my walk time, multi-faceted ~ time to work body, work on weight/fitness, work through things I can think about when I have time and opportunity; no calls or emails, just the walk and some tunes in my ears (or not), a route through urban-meets-park and nature, watching for the marauding coyote, the deer-siting places, the Osprey roost, the familiar faces who walk, bike, or run intersecting my route – the routine leaves me time to think about anything except my regular routes … not meditation in any classical or typical sense, but so therapeutic for me.
Please write – tell me, help us all be better at having more productive happy days. Trust me, inquiring minds want to know!
What gets your morning started?
What works for you?
P.S.: in addition to the guidance of my WHOOP strap, I’ve recently started plugging my weight into a program (it’s free!) called WeightGrapher. It calculates a trend line and projects when I’ll hit my target weight – coming back from morning walks to plug in my daily weight has become something I really enjoy (most days) and inspires me to not give up even when I have an uptick day.