Sunday Dec. 24, 2017
Muddling aimlessly through days – or marching with plans for execution and follow through, which kind will you have today?
Which kind will I have?
Seriously, can we ever control what kind of day shows up?
Scraping bottom of my barrel, I struggle to find worth in life.
I don’t struggle long – usually come back from down/dark spots to float more resiliently on good feelings. When I’m down there it seems so dark and bleak. Worst on days when I’ve got an ache or pain.
Waking from refreshing sleep – is like waking up to reality when we’ve been swimming in a soup-of-reality oblivious to what that soup really is.
I’ve been soul-searching – which in itself is unique for someone who doesn’t believe in a soul or all the religious constructs around that concept – and I’ve found something.
I’ve not described it aloud, not put to paper yet. In middle-belly land I’ve found it, feel it, know it will drive me hard. Drive me fast, drive me over cliffs in need of leaping, drive me down blind-alley mistakes without fear of knowing some adventures will simply be miss-adventures, routes will be changed, ‘recalculating’ will be my new mantra.
Some marketer once said ‘this is the first day of the rest of your life’. It is. I am grateful this day for this life – feel renewed, refreshed and thrilled about every day that comes after this one.
Can’t predict any day’s events with certainty – but we CAN predict what we’ll do, what our purpose will be, which ingrained habits will drive us from moment we rise until we collapse with a smile at day’s end.
p.s.: AND, I’m on the road – heading to Fort Saskatchewan for family Christmas – there will be food and laughter, packages to unwrap and playing with grandchildren. Can’t think of much better motivation for a road trip …