Friday Dec. 29, 2017
Is it thinking about superficial things, or is restricted only to that which is really deep?
I ponder this – not so much depending on the person, but depending on mood and circumstance, on physical feelings and good health, on reactions to what is going on, what is being done, what is happening to that person – on what is happening to me. And what is happening to you.
What are the odds that two people are thinking the same thing at the same time? Probably good, but add the requirement of ‘being someone you know and/or are about to meet’, then the math gets goofy and astronomically remote. The possibilities are limitless, but far less likely.
My point?
Don’t expect anyone to think like you do.
If you meet such a person – hang on. Expect an interesting ride.
More likely, we interact with people we believe to think like we do – and they aren’t remotely close; these are most likely to be partners, spouses, colleagues and close collaborators. Those who think like we do are more remote, elusive and impossible to characterize let alone capture. They are, in my mind, some cross between a spark of light and a butterfly – impossible to captures, and immediately nullified if you did.
The magic we seek is most likely illusion. But maybe an illusion we need to keep, to hold onto, and to quest for.
I spent some time this year in such a quest and it wore me out, thrilled me and spilled me, tormented me and disappointed. I had some moments of joy I could never replicate – and from my mind I’ll never eradicate.