Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Did you want fries with that?
Did you find everything you wanted today?
Increasingly, we don’t need to communicate with any human.
Our machine/device/tool/APP instructions someone else’s machine/device/tool/APP to move money, manipulate credit, pay bills, order goods, publish something, read anything, research whatever whim we want – without the need to be gentle, polite, or speak with anyone.
And without the opportunity to explain our problem because that’s had the humanity snuffed out by superior software and online multiple-choice questions – the more significant issue is about being heard, being listened to, being understood by whoever is supplying the goods or services that we need.
We do these in real-time, and ‘next day delivery’ seems too slow for some people, so they go to a store.
We can’t deliver instantly on most things we do – and yet we get frustrated when we cannot move things along as quickly as we would like.
Reader feedback:
“which I idea to champion,“ This is either a typo or a clever turn of phrase, RH, Calgary, AB …. P.S.: It appears the government would prefer we not break fast together at this time and I suspect restrictions are more likely to get more restrictive. I will be standing by.