Saturday Dec. 12, 2015
When, if ever, do we learn?
Every variation of every gesture or movement has power in it but until we give voice to those ideas, thoughts and feelings they are silent witnesses, not coming forward to solve any of life’s mysteries, how then can we live?
From the time we are born we have voice. We learn to turn noise into nuance, giggles into joyful expression. We learn from cries and tears – when to cry, when to try harder. Ideas, thoughts, feelings roll around in minds, bellies and in sleepless nights. When we communicate them we need tools. Primitive ones: A look. A smile. A frown. Intensity. Silence. Furrowed brows. Limp bodies. We say so much without opening our mouths. Chances we’ll be correctly understood and interpreted are low, but we rely on those methods still …
How about this – let’s use some words!
Yes, words.
Words aren’t salve or solvent, but they’ll dissolve troubles, just as they’ve created them. Group or sort any number of thoughts, no matter right or wrong, fair or unfair, good deeds or bad feelings, our minds have that freedom, that latitude – we always have. No rules, no laws, nobody is the boss of you. No clearer gift than one which says what you feel which expects nothing in return.
We assemble answers, reply to invitations. Try to right what went wrong.
Set your words free. Let them out of jail. Write a gift. With a sentence we can wrap a ribbon around anything.
They’re meant to soar. They’ll lift spirits, get someone off the ground. Maybe you too. Words aren’t the only thing, they are everything.
Mark Kolke
written / published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: -4C/25F, ‘mist’ again says the weather report, but it looks and feels like fog to me; slippery and fresh, tiny breeze, Gusta in a rush to get out – then a rush to get back to devour her food as fast as humanly canine-aly possible with expected sound effects ..