We don’t get to choose who stays or who goes – our ability to control this equation is both tricky and unreliable.
I’ve learned my best way to have more friends is to do two things at the same time: make new friends, and keep the ones I have. Whichever method or formula you use, my experience supports the notion that its universally true that giving produces better results. Needing people and being needy are not the same thing. Needing others is recognizing we cannot do happy life all on our own. Being needy is wanting others to do it for us …
Giving is one part charitable and generous, one part long-term investing. Giving and investing have something in common – they provide, in time, a great return on our investment.
This holiday season offers reminders to us that we give best when we give our time. Time to visit, time to play and time to listen – a free gift we can all give. Cost is very low, and return on investment is enormous.