Saturday Dec. 29, 2018
Whatever relationships we foster in our work lives and our play lives, our family lives and our community lives – magical moments we experiences are never about a piece of paper, except when they are …
What a simple greeting!
I was handed someone’s business card the other day – unique in size and shape, but also unique in that it had simple piece of script hello in black and white on one side with details on the other.
My immediate thought was of that movie line, ‘you had me at hello’. And yes, it adds to the fun part of the exchange.
But beyond that, in this world of marketing, from business cards to billboards, from e-things to mass marketing campaigns of every kind – shouldn’t we start at hello?
What did that encounter bring, beyond the initial getting acquainted and the ritual exchange of business cards – something we all do. Sometimes we keep the card, or staple it into a file, or ditch it after we’ve entered the details in our database.
But sometimes we keep it.
Odd shapes are interesting, so we fumble and fondle because the paper is an unusual texture, its shape is unusual – but mostly it’s the ‘memorable moment’, that ‘hello moment’. It sticks in our mind as memorable. I’ve tried many different card types over the years – some large, some small – in search of the branding equation I’ve been seeking. This one, this hello card, is worth pinning up on the wall. In part to remember the moment, in part to not forget the moment and in part to put that person in my mind as unforgettable.