Going outside on a clear day does not prevent you from getting hit by lightning – but that risk is vewwy vewwy low.
What is the risk of dying in a traffic accident? Risk varies, but generally an acceptable risk we all accept every time we start our vehicle. Night driving, stormy weather, bald tires – these all increase risk, ones we consciously calculate before taking them. For many situations, we evaluate only once and then fall into habits of not thinking about it very much. And that night driving thing, more dangerous on Friday and Saturday nights because of others.
Walking around our community always carries the risk of catching a cold virus. More so at certain times of the year or when we are tired/run-down.
And, to Alberta residents only: THIRD ACTion Film Festival is doing a 50/50 raffle again – buy a ticket, be a winner + make the pot richer, for a great cause – draw date is Dec. 22nd.