Saturday Feb. 17, 2018
Where did the beginning really begin?
As we look at life, at our career/passions path – as we examine our place in this world – we are all examining (or re-examining) where we are going, adjusting our aims and goals based on ‘somebody moved my cheese’ thinking, based on our dreams/aspirations shape-shifting in new directions.
As we do, ask where did this quest begin?
Ask that?
Did it start yesterday, last week, a long time ago?
Was it someone’s influence, someone’s push (or kick) in some direction?
Each time we succeed, are we one step nearer?
Each time we fail, are we one step farther away?
I think our answers are mostly wrong.
Success doesn’t usually give rise to deep reflection and failure doesn’t usually feel like ‘one step closer to triumph’, even though it almost always is.