Monday Feb. 19, 2018
Cut away everything not urgent which doesn’t feed creative drive, doesn’t ‘have to be done’ …
Most ‘nights-before’, my days are planned. Always, ‘far too much’ scheduled. No worries. Tasks auto-triage into urgent/important. Those I really must focus upon get done. Everything else, ‘tomorrow pile’. Or trash.
At any given point we all find ourselves ‘behind’. Sometimes, far behind.
This measurement needs qualification: ‘everything that needs doing’ or ‘just what we really want to do’?
If ‘everything’, I’m, way behind every day.
If ‘just what I want to do’, I’m usually ready for more.
How much of what I have ‘to do’ should I be discarding or ignoring?
Not a management choice, is it?
Rather, a policy one – what matters to us/matters most – should drive our days, our nights, our adventures and our grandest dreams …
Reader feedback:
Thanks, Mark…such a interesting quote and thought provoking musing today. My vision at night is compromised now; I wonder of that is a parallel reality; or not? What do you think? J, SF, Lethbridge, AB
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