Friday Feb. 2, 2018
Recent weeks, Bursitis pain caused many recollections – many things recklessly done earlier in life without much thought. Stupid things around sport and exercise which have come back to haunt my middle aged body.
Range of motion – term I’ve become far-too familiar with lately. My bursitis shoulders have taught me about a new set of limitations on my range of motion with my arms. Worst pain/worst part of this are behind me now. Thanks to pills, ice and rest for arms and all they connect to (wrists, keyboards, putting on clothes, rolling over in bed), mostly pain-free now.
Rearranging frequently used things from high shelves to low ones, making my day-to-day more efficient there were two important lessons:
- temporary condition/diminished capacity, but how will I feel when ability to move, to do things I take for granted, to be agile – when things diminish? Reflection on my dad’s last few years when mobility declined rapidly, how he fought that but without resolution …
- realization, with limited physical capacity, I’m not limited in doing anything – I just have to do it differently, which begs questions about ‘everything I do’, can it be done differently? Should it be done differently? Or at all?
Question for readers – and self, as we examine every habit, every goal, every routine element of our lives, which ones could we do with greater ease/more efficiency, which ones do we see differently (some opportunities in disguise)? Which ones should we not be doing at all?
I’ve been re-thinking hasty, reckless and thoughtless things – perhaps the longer we live the longer our list of mistakes, faux pas and oops recollections …