Friday Feb. 10, 2017
What would you wish for?
YES, I’m serious. I could not be more serious …
Are we sustainable? I don’t mean – ‘plan B, colonize Mars’ – I mean are we sustainable on earth? Suppose we protect most species, get the climate change abated or at least hit the ‘pause’ button, and keep ocean levels from rising. We probably can’t tweak the Antarctic ice shelves … they’ll break off. We probably can’t keep Greenland white – but green might look good!
I’m concerned about people – not whether women finally lose their 5th toe from wearing too-narrow shoes or that we develop tougher skin to withstand the UV rays. The planet and those other species have been evolving for hugely long periods of time compared to humans. We are ‘early days’ and should recognize that Artificial Intelligence, machines and all things that tweet are propelling us forward at an unprecedented rate … perhaps like the accelerated pace of climate change, and I have to wonder whether we can cope. More importantly, what would ‘success look like?’ concerns me. Imagine your great grandchildren being 20 times smarter than you were at every stage of life. Imagine 30 times, or more. Seriously, if intelligence advances that much – and forget for a moment how rapidly, what would they do with their time? What possible work could test their wits, their creativity? And for them, what could they hope for, for their children?
I’ve often speculated about where and when I would prefer to have been born – here, or somewhere else, in the past, or in the future – imagining so much.
Each could be scary.
Or exciting.
Likely both …
Reader feedback:
My daughter lived in Italy for a couple of years. They had 4 garbage cans for recycling and it was mandatory. A 500 Euro fine if you didn't do it, each instance. I think that was a great idea. Also, in Europe you don't find a lot of plastic, mostly glass bottles. But if we can't reign in China, it may be futile. But it's worth a shot, KH, Stuart, FL