Sunday Feb. 10, 2019
More than a sniffle and sneeze.
Yes, ‘coming down with something’, but there is more to this.
Slowing down for rest or recovery is an important part of balance – I know that, expect we all do, but when we are going flat-out, when we are dealing with daily schedules of back-to-back appointments and then push through of a busy day or grueling week we lose sight of my body’s need for pacing and rest. Brain too!
I had this reminder recently – waking up one morning with that feeling I’ve had in first day of any overdue vacation. Didn’t spring from bed, because I started late and slow, did some work that day but mostly I hunkered down for a day of soup and reading, napping and recharging. The obvious was that a cold virus was trying to grab me and because I was over-tired it was winning the battle. I didn’t fight it, I didn’t get gritty and ‘power through it’. This result was a sense of calm, knowing the work won’t go anywhere – it will wait for me.
As it turned out that day was highly productive – maybe because it could be rather than ‘had to be’; which makes me wonder if that approach might be more helpful on other days when I’m not feeling under the weather.
As I get used to my ‘2019 Focus Plan – three things a week/one thing each day’, perhaps this is my settling in period, breaking-in period. The way you unpack in a new place or get used to driving a different car.
Today I’ll be less productive.
Sure of it.
Sniffle, hack, sniffle …