Monday Feb. 11, 2019
Any good story needs to start somewhere, go somewhere and sit down when it gets there.
This is one of those …
The cycle and rhythm of life, of our lives, is not a linear progression from birth to death but rather a story that starts somewhere.
The story of a romance doesn’t start at birth, it starts with the first tingle. For some it takes longer – might start at the first kiss, the first fight, the first _______ - but it starts in earnest at some point, then lives its cycle(s) of existence until death of one party or some earlier ‘ending’ intervenes.
Stories of businesses, products, adventures or pieces of writing starts in similar fashion – not at beginning of long predictable processes, but from that first tingle which generates energy, defies obstacles and inspires great achievement.
Fishing requires a license. Driving requires a license. Most professions, sports, hobbies and ‘high achievement fields’ require a license. But tingling doesn’t require license or permit – just needs a tingle somewhere in that cycle from beginning to end. Every activity is on a path from beginning to end, but only a few tingle …
I hold to my notion that hope and anticipation – in all things, is that magic potion which causes the best commotion …