Tuesday Feb. 12, 2019
Does anyone have a cup of patience I can borrow?
Sure, I can be patient with clients taking their time, pedestrians in crosswalks and grandchildren – but that’s not the variation of patience I mean.
Patience with self – with ‘getting things done’, with mixing work and play balance, of doing things thoroughly and well vis-à-vis getting everything done.
We can reduce our load by changing jobs, retiring, shirking or taking vacations.
Most of us don’t wrestle with oppressive supervisors, demanding corporations or hordes of customers breaking doors down, because that monkey on our back looks a lot like our reflection in the mirror. We are our worst/harshest critic, we are the least satisfied and the least likely to toss mediocre ideas aside.
Is it patience we need as much as persistence?
Is it doing more, doing it better and doing it faster – or doing less while doing it better, focusing to do it faster?
I’m not patient enough to wait for patience to arrive.
We can’t get everything done, can we?