Wednesday Feb. 13, 2019
Some days I feel completely lost …
Yet I realize being lost isn’t true at all. Just my momentary state of mind.
I also realize, for myself and for others I work with, mentor and coach – that being completely lost is often ‘being nearly there’ in that new place, new way of being, new way of doing business, new way of interacting with others is ‘completely foreign’ to where we’ve been.
If new, foreign and being sought, it will likely feel a bit like being lost in wilderness, not knowing which way to turn.
Before any breakthrough there is considerable thought, fraught feelings – fear, uncertainty and doubt. Hang in there, the magical ‘new’ is just around some corner you are about to turn.
Why do I have this attitude? Because, so many times in my life, I’ve been in this mode before and suddenly realized that everything I’ve been through recently (together with everything that came before now) prepared me for this very moment, the moment I am in right now.