Saturday, February 13, 2021 - daily column #6667
A long weekend.
And cold.
Out here in the hinterland – if this is nowhere, well, we are in the middle of it.
Not a winter for discontent as much as a long-wait-for-vaccine winter/springtime.
Time for soup brewing, stock making, paperwork, writing, icy bundled-up walks, and long cozy sleeps.
Winter shut-in folks, weary students, and everyone hermetically-sealed in their houses can get a break from hibernation – weekend reflection time – Family Day Weekend in Alberta. Most jurisdictions celebrate some form of long-weekend holiday in February because we need something between New Year and Easter.
But, set aside the geo-politics, cryptocurrency news, fresh photos of Mars and low orbiting satellites that will revolutionize the internet – depending on whom you talk to, and it was a bizzy-dizzy week – and now it is Chinese New Year – Kung Hei Fat Choy – the year of the Ox.
Oxen are hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise. That’s understandable because the ox has no way to verbalize these feelings, frailties, or need for recognition or encouraging words.
I took a news quiz yesterday; two, in fact. I get one from Morning Brew and one from the New York Times. I did well. Some of the questions were obscure – so doing well is validating, in the sense that I’m keeping up on what is going on in the world. Give them a try, see how au courant you are.
Stay warm, stay safe.
Reader feedback:
My day always feels a little more complete if I can catch one or two grammatical nits in Musings, RH, Calgary, AB … p.s. I am a mostly benevolent editor. I do miss the odd day but Musings is part of my morning routine