Wednesday Feb. 15, 2017
When we have that adrenaline rush – that hot prospect, our next big deal or dream nearly fulfilled, we that feeling. We revel in that feeling. But look around, how many people are reveling in anything, who is over-joyed today, and why?
I don’t think the why matters as much as the ‘how’ – that ‘how we make sure we don’t get down’ part of managing lives, opportunities, expectations and dreams. Some people swear by their good book. Some swear by their favourite guru’s teachings. Some people just swear …
Shifting though, from yesterday’s romance and chocolate laden overtures and fairy dust – when normal resumes and fairy-dust settles. What then? What will we do for love?
Or for _________ (insert your particular unmet need here) do we accept things as they are or do we make things as ‘they will become’?
What kind of fool? What kind of fool are you, have you been, have you seen – I mean seriously, how crazy can it get? Yes, fools for love sometimes – and for many that was yesterday. For some it is all year ’round. I used to look at opportunities as I’d been taught, by asking: is it real? is it worth it? can I win? I’ve morphed to a different way of thinking: is this opportunity interesting? is this person/project worthwhile? can I help? I probably win no more than I ever did – but I how I feel about it, how things work out, seems vastly improved.
My day yesterday, if you were wondering, was fabulous. My day today – likely to be as good or better, not because of yesterday but ‘including yesterday’ …