Saturday Feb. 16, 2019
True/false: you can predict your day?
I can’t predict when my phone will ring or if it will ring but I can predict tempo of my day (driven by schedule/appointments/routine). I can predict mood of my day (my attitude before getting out of bed). I can predict productivity (always connected to my mood and attitude – before I get out of bed).
I happily argue, most important part of every day are those first few minutes alone in quiet darkness, waking up. And what sets the stage for that?
The day before, length and quality of sleep, and how much ‘today pressure’ I put on myself yesterday when planning (or failing to plan) my today. Most good things in life come from good preparation. Most bad things in life come from failure to prepare. Those are generalizations, but I think they fit most of us much of the time. If you want a good day, plan for it. Wake up for it. Set the stage for it. Get out of bed with a happy expectant positive approach to it – the day’s problems are half-solved and the productivity meter is whirring away.
Starting today is not ‘picking up where we left off’ yesterday. Yesterday is done. Today is just starting – start fresh, start clear, start in bed – end in bed. Between bed stops, this day is available to walk around with spirits high and heart pumping.
My heart is not the source of my spirit – it’s just a pump. Enthusiasm for life resides somewhere else; not sure it’s only in my brain because it seems to impact all parts of this creaky old body.
Reader feedback:
Happy Valentine’s Day Mark. Today you spoil yourself, do something for you that you have always wanted to do. Hope you have an awesome day, MJ, Calgary, AB
In the wake of your last musing I thought you appreciate this: Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. ~Author Unknown, Cheers, RT, Vancouver, BC