Monday Feb. 20, 2017
Empty. Full. Empty. Full. Empty. Full. Empty. Full.
These extremes alternate in our lives.
No on/off switch.
More like a throttle, like an engine – driving force, propels our internal engine for love, for laughter, for joy, for resolution and fulfillment. Like nothing else we know, like no other emotion we feel.
Where does it come from, can we harness it?
Can we manufacture it?
When we are empty vessels, our flesh and bone easily left in some ditch, side-of-life’s-road debris – spent, drained, unexplained.
When we are filled-up, we are no different in terms of flesh and bone – but there is firmness in every bone, standing tall in every moment; no middle of road, but owning that road. Our road. Leads wherever we want to go, wherever we want to be. Spin globe, pick your spot. Spin your head, pick your target, pick your tool, pick your timing, pick up your pace – it’s a long race, no time to waste.
Empty of energy, or full of promise, are not opposites – they can exist at the same time can they not?
We can always replenish energy, fill-up and go again. And again.
Full of promise – is harder for some to see. We’ve always been full of that. On the day we were born, until the day before we perish … it is a constant. When we feel the blows of life, the hurts of events or words designed to diminish our spirit, then it is easy to lose sight of our promise. Clear the windshield and you can see, always, it is still there.
We are unstoppable.
If that’s what we want.