Sunday Feb. 24, 2019
I believe we are all entitled to the life we make, one we desire. No more, no less. Whatever we want, we can have.
If we want something we’ve worked hard to achieve I believe we value it more – something we need to understand better, but if we convince ourselves we can’t have it then maybe we didn’t want it very badly …
If we can taste it, imagine it and believe it we can achieve it. Tonnage of cliché quotes make this point but quoting them doesn’t matter much if we can’t convince ourselves of the possibility of something previously believed impossible.
My optimism for good health and long life with sufficient time and energy to complete all I aspire to achieve has become easier for me through belief and resolve to be vibrant, effective and functioning well up to and well past 100. Yes, sleep, exercise, diet and desire. Need them all.
Optimism bumps into reality without too much reverence for our preference. Consider the reality of others:
The stunning rate of young people dying needlessly. Not just 20s-40s types taking their own lives or being smacked in drunken car crashes. Consider former smokers dealing with congestive heart failure in their 60s-80s. These are all tragic and entirely preventable.
What gets my goat and sometimes gets me down is seeing people with so much potential for great long lives cutting themselves short by having nothing particularly interesting on their minds, nothing particularly demanding to do and nothing particularly complex to struggle with.
Everything is possible – our unmet goals and unfulfilled dreams. If you question that, think about a fantastic building or business, the novel you read or movie you saw – each, someone’s dream manifested. Everything in the world was someone’s dream. Most of us deal with simpler tangible wishes and dreams like keeping a roof overhead, fuel in our tank and food in our fridge.
But we need more fuel, more dreams, need faith in ourselves, to realize we can do so many things beyond expectations we’ve had or which others had for us. Yes, we have to stretch and work and fail before we grasp that brass ring.
Nobody stands in our way except our own refusal.
If you feel down, sad or incomplete – sure, fine. Feel that way awhile. Take a day. Maybe two. Then get back to work at what you need do to thrive and appreciate this incredible value of staying alive.