Thursday, February 3, 2022
Why are we such suckers?
Why do we have a seemingly insatiable appetite for someone else to do the work, tell their story, and then follow/copycat the leader?
You’ve seen them – they follow the year-end reviews, those new-year prognostications and arrive in our inboxes and mailboxes alongside the pitches to join a gym. They pitch their 7-steps, 10-tricks, 12-hacks, 15-methods for everything from substances, food, retail therapy and crazy behavior of every description imaginable. These are the DIY/self-help merchants, publishing essays, blogs, publish books, host podcasts and generally fill up the airwaves and every available space with their brand of shite/advice/wisdom and hawker to get you to click-pay a dollar or subscribe for tens-of-dollars monthly to get your life back, or better, or pull it out of the gutter.
And, other than relieving you of your money, they cannot help you.
The best way to succeed, someone wise said long ago, is by doing what you do and doing it where you are. That sounds too simple, but each time we struggle from the ditch back to the centre of the road, I think it is rare that we get there by doing things we don’t know, something we are experimenting with, or where we aren’t well informed.
Sure, there is a time and place for trying bold new things without proper preparation. But that time isn’t now. Now it is ‘stick with basics’ and work hard time. I’ve been doing more of that lately – with better results. Sure it’s hard, but most good things don’t come easily, do they?
Good leaders lead with hope.
Good followers need to have hope.
Those who work alone, self-employed and self-managed, need also have a work ethic, a plan, and to show up. There is no quick fix, there is only a steady, relentless fix for all things, and if you cannot understand that, then I cannot help you.
What the self-help snake oil salesmen leave out are these simple truths; I cannot help you be healthy if I’m not healthy. I cannot help you be strong if I’m not strong; and I cannot help you be creative if I’m not feeling creative …
P.S.: mark your calendar for Feb. 8; I’m hosting the live and online simulcast of THIRDACTion Film Festival’s monthly screening for February; a delightful film called Candeleria. Feb 8th – 6:30-8:00PM – GET TICKETS – to stream online or attend in person at the Globe Theatre (COVID protocols apply). Check out the trailer . Check out this review . Most of all – click or come out, support THIRDACTion – buy tickets, have some popcorn and share a laugh/tear experience