Saturday Feb. 4, 2017
Interesting questions keep a conversation going – unless we don’t want to, in which case choices overtake chances.
Not taking a chance, or taking one – either way it’s a choice, isn’t it?
Choice or chance – why should it be either or neither?
Can’t we keep two things on our mind at the same time?
Constantly recalculating – every step, every road-fork.
Choices are rarely black and white except in choosing old films – we have shades of white, black and grey. And colour. And noise. And calm. Not eye-of-the-hurricane calm, but calm in terms of feeling settled, feeling ‘OK with our choices’. No choice is perfect, no choice takes us down the path we fully expected …
A closing question – responses welcomed: if you could have anyone (alive of course) come over for dinner, who would you choose? Why?