Tuesday Feb. 7, 2017
We populate this burgeoning horde of those who say “I lived through that” or “I lived for that”. What are we living for?
There is a time, and place, for everyone.
Insignificant ants on life’s hill, pulling loads, mattering little to the world – yet we know everyone is critical to life as we know it.
Many perish but our species persists, like many others, through millennia.
Humans are new on the scene.
We’ve been here barely a moment in time – yet it seems so long, to many ‘so long friend’ goodbyes, we pass down snowy lanes oblivious to who might pass by or away – passing along our best and worst traits to offspring.
Surely we are meant to do more than consume goods and take up space.
Take up a shovel, or a cause, just because.