Thursday Feb. 7, 2019
Isn’t so much time of year, but ‘time for pause’, when we aren’t running on balmy beaches with no shortage of things to do (or shut-in by weather or circumstance) there is time to stare out at the world.
To stare inward too.
Whether escaping winter for warm sunny shores, escaping bounds of employment, marriage, business relationships or self-constraints of how we live our life is omnipresent this time of year …
Days still short – deep into winter, both weather and calendar prove that, and still we are all fortunate to have what we have and to be where we are – yet negative thinking sometimes invades because it can if we let down our guard.
Yes, days are short if you measure life by daylight, but each day (I checked) is still 24 hours – no limit imposed on what we can do or how we spend time. Those are entirely self-imposed. I was tending my email in-box. Two new entries – one interesting, the other stupid – not worth my time, which reminded me that my thoughts fit the same categories. Interesting or stupid. If that is all I need to decide on activities, clients, friends or lifestyle, it shouldn’t be so hard to chart my course.
We all have stupid moments. We ought to forgive ourselves (and others) occasional mistakes – with our focus on being interesting and interested. If for no other reason than this: if we want to build and keep friendships with interesting people, we need to be interesting ourselves. It doesn’t matter who you are meeting, where or when, be interesting. Be interested in them too …
Pretty simple really.
Reader feedback:
Way to go Mark. I am on a Daily Challenge for 365 days. I'm at day 35 and loving my goals as well. I add a new one, although small, once a week. A friend created the group for people who struggle in keeping resolutions and we are all going strong. I love the way I feel, more energy, more sleep. Keep up the great work and success in completing all you want to achieve this year as well, MJ, Calgary, AB