Saturday Feb. 9, 2019
On every revolution of this planet, the earth doesn’t care whether it is Monday for you, or Friday for me – doesn’t care if it is a good day or a great day, doesn’t care if any of us have a cold, birthday or flat tire. It just keeps going, spinning inside its atmosphere with its oceans sloshing to and fro – mixing things up, everything sloshing around. Some days that describes my stomach as easily as my brain.
People don’t care. Really? Sure, they care – about things and people they care about, but otherwise they don’t care, they don’t notice you and they won’t miss you …
Life is brutally unfair, or life is spectacularly charming – depends which side of bed you rolled out of this morning; did you roll out the happy side or the grumpy side? Did you rise to sunshine and optimism or to sadness and despair?
All of these feelings and attitudes are available to you – every single day. Choose whatever you want, but then own it. It’s yours. The days don’t care, people don’t care and the unfairness or joy of it is entirely self-created by you.
“I get to choose how I react to what is happening to me.” – Viktor Fankl
Viktor’s quote from his book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’ is the most profound quotation I’ve ever read, revered and repeated. It sums up everything in marvelous simplicity.
Next time you think you’ve got troubles, think of Viktor.
Next time you’ve got joy to celebrate, think of Viktor.
Next time you don’t know which way to turn or how do deal with your angst-du-jour, think about Viktor’s words and realize that is the only thing you can really control in life. And remember that nobody cares whether you have a happy life, a good day or make the world better or worse – seriously they don’t care. And it isn’t that they have too much on their plate (they do) or too many other things to fret about (they do) but rather that on the scale of caring about you – there are 7.5 billion people who don’t know of your existence. Or care. The same is true for the richest and the poorest among us – nobody knows, nobody cares …