Tuesday Jan. 16, 2018
We know what comes next, we know how far away it is – and we know how hard it is going to be.
Should be an easy exercise. Just ‘keep moving’ until we get there.
Plateaus – whether it’s our ‘next goal’ or our weight reduction plan, ‘next level’ on some earnings/revenue trajectory at work, in our business or ‘next steps’ in any kind of relationship, we have plateaus.
Sounds wonderful in theory. But, our heads get in the way. Heads manufacture the second-guessing, the fear, the uncertainty, the doubt. And the head makes decisions – the home of deflection, distraction, procrastination and denial …
Reader feedback:
Life and obituaries … we are all becoming more and more aware that we are closer to the finish line that we are to the starting gate. But my daughter says “live life always as if you have twenty years to go”. By doing that you will discover that you don’t “make do” with things, you do take better vacations, you do but a new car and you do have more fun. Whatever we’re doing Mark, assume at least twenty more years to do it right!!, GB, Calgary
Well said, Mark. An interesting topic, which is often avoided or presented light heartedly to avoid being too "heavy" for many people. From my perspective... Some plans about life balance and ability to remain focussed on an applied direction, similar to an annual work plan at our business (work) with objectives and accountability for completion, seem to be a less structured approach and ultimately not as fulfilling when it comes to the desire for purpose and ultimately fulfillment for many of us. When I read the obituaries, I too am often encouraged by what some men and women have accomplished during their lives. Whether it is by coincidence or good timing, surely they must have had a good group of people around them and a game plan to follow...something I strive for to look back on with an belief the small successes and victories must be noted and celebrated. That way, it is quite refreshing to realize the breadth of our accomplishment list that would otherwise would go unnoticed by my programming to get to the next project, then the next project... That current support group I mentioned, are ultimately the authors of our legacy when we have arrived at "our best before date". Enjoy your day!, BD, Calgary, AB