Monday Jan. 8, 2018
Moving from wellness to illness, or other way ‘round – everything changes, path ahead is always unknown. Today we know more than we’ve ever known, yet we have – collectively – more uncertainty than ever. But I wonder if we’ve gotten smarter at dealing with it? There doesn’t seem to be a great new software tool for this, we are reliant on our noggins.
What worked in the past doesn’t work now – no guarantee how it will work in the future. Still, we need to examine old assumptions, don’t we?
Things change.
Technology renders old ways, old products and old people irrelevant. Sometimes, overnight. Some things always work, never fail – as certain as sunshine. We know what they are.
But in so many things, not so much because the unknown is always as described – unknown.
Meet someone, round a corner, take on a new job – or lose one, everything is unknown.
Yet the story of our lives, when we write it, is just that random, just that driven by mood of a moment, fueled by dialogue and shaped by events. Our story is not my story or your story, it is a record of what happened together with the why it happened. The between the lines parts only we know – not secrets, just feelings, not imaginary or imagined – but really felt, really known, really the driving force between every good or bad deed, every good or bad mood . . .