Tuesday Jan. 9, 2018
Life is no lottery.
Yet somedays it seems our odds of ‘winning’ are as extremely remote.
But life is mostly better than the remote dream of a lottery.
Sure we take chances, make choice – don’t always get the prize we are aiming for. I’ve talked to so many people who, like me, took a very different path in life than they thought they would because those little ‘exploratory’ paths along our road took us down a trail wanting wear unlike anything we expected.
Still, should it be a game of chance?
Little steps, incremental ones in a deliberate direction don’t make much of a difference day-to-day, but over the long haul, it’s the real way to make real progress …
Odds of getting winning a big prize from the lottery are slim. Buy a ticket. Don’t hold your breath.
Bigger reward come, in my view, from the feeling of directing our own life. Not that we always achieve what we seek, but most times we are its architect – we own its design. We are its labour force that got us here. If there is credit to be taken or basking in some glow deserved – it is not from having ‘the lucky ticket’ but from being the one who did the work, the one who took those chances, the one who made those choices, the one who didn’t know if things would work but did it just the same.
That’s the big prize, knowing we made what we have – made it with who we are. Who we were. And this defines who we will be.
Life is not a lottery.
Lucky us …