Tuesday Jan. 1, 2019
Happy New Year!
Everyone’s year starts at zero. We’ve done nothing, earned nothing, completed nothing and have only one way to look – upward and forward. Yes, ‘upward and forward’ is a direction. An attitude. A roadmap. A launching pad. A portal to what’s next. It is life, and will last an entire year.
Go ahead, bite off your piece – chew well …
Mine: I will write better every day.
Whether it be this column, the next publication, my lingering festering book project, another book project or my #%*!_)% novel – for each unfinished piece will see progress daily, weekly, monthly. Well, that’s my always plan but lately that hasn’t been working so well. Harder work gets postponed most easily, easier work gets more frequent attention. This problem, I perceive, is common to all of us.
I struggle most on my novel project – it is coming along but doesn’t often enough pull me in for long slogs of writing as I want it to. Daily plugging away pulls me along but doesn’t pull me deeply in as well as I wish … but when it does I’m completely lost in it, lost to it … following the story along in the dark, waiting anxiously to learn what happens next. During lapses between long writing sessions is when my doubts creeps in, criticizes in mostly unkind ways and says mean things.
Results have nothing to do with world economy, politics, commodity prices or weather. Everyone’s 2019 will be: a) much better, b) a little better, c) just the same or d) worse.
Be it resolved, I will ________ better every day. What fills your blank?