Monday Jan. 14, 2019
Jeff Bezos is worth US$136.9 billion. He and his wife announced they are divorcing. Based on ‘half is fair’ they’ve each have US$68.45 billion – leaving them tied for 7th wealthiest in the world. These rankings may vary slightly based on stock prices.
We would want any half that was that big – but would we be happy?
My thinking is that “I would be”, but I would add that I am wealthy in other things and I don’t have a rank on anyone’s wealth list. I’m happy. Really happy with many reasons to be. Couldn’t list them all here if I tried, but I digress ~
Getting back to ‘have and have nots’, I spoke with two people yesterday which are neither typical or comparable to the Bezos scale of things – but mingling my conversations with these two in the same afternoon caused me to wonder if either will find the happiness they are missing.
One has not divorced from a long unhappy marriage – because their ‘half’ would be too little and the ‘other half’ will get squandered, thereby disinheriting children. There’s more, but that’s the nub of it.
The other – younger, widower, well off – pours money easily into things, into generosity and into more things in search of something to fill two holes: fear of being poor and fear of being alone.
Money, it seems, cannot buy happiness even if you are the wealthiest (or 7th wealthiest) person on the planet. Splitting doesn’t produce happiness in its own right to any greater degree than staying.
My conclusion from non-exhaustive research is to reference this quote: “People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”, attributed rightly or wrongly to Abraham Lincoln, Frank Crane, Dale Carnegie and now ME. I’m happy to sign on as someone who says that, thinks that and publishes …
Reader feedback:
Perfect timing on this message! This orca is swimming to beat 60, JB, Edmonton, AB
Great reminder in going forward into 2019. Transformation is a journey, it depends on who you are taking that journey with as to your outcome will be. My journey or goal for 2019 is self-transformation, investing in myself. Day 11 completed and loving it. Thanks Mark for being part of that journey. - MJ, Calgary, AB