Monday Jan. 16, 2017
Do something today.
Do something small …
Having something on a list is a good first step, but leaving it there all alone each day as something we’ve not done – well that may serve as a reminder that it needs to be done, but that doesn’t get it done, does it?
Planning – thinking, hoping, dreaming and scheduling. As another week begins, more of that. We all do – and by Friday we so often feel gridlocked and mind-numbed from having another week of little progress because our actions and actions of others didn’t live up to our thoughts, hopes and dreaming even if they were on our schedule.
The idea of a ‘To Do’ list is that we are to do those things. To do. Action. Forward momentum. Each is a child of the other and most ‘to do’ tasks don’t complete things or discard things or hide them under a rug – to do is deliberate, to do is to act, to do is to do. And without a big ‘to do’ about it.
Too much trying and not enough doing. Too much talking, and not enough doing, Too much planning and strategizing and not enough doing.
It is not daring to do, but most people don’t know that we didn’t do what we planned to do. Most people don’t know what is on our list – they are too busy re-structuring and re-prioritizing their own lists …
Do something today. Do something small – then stroke it off your list. Do something large, stroke that off too. Think about something NEW, hope and dream about something NEW and schedule when you will DO it.