Sunday, Jan. 19, 2020
Ranging from things we scarcely notice to woo-woo moments when we were thinking about someone, and they rang us up, or walked into the room.
We quickly scoff at or dismiss these events as insignificant when, perhaps, they are massively significant – not that we have premonitions or that the subject matter was necessarily important – because we don’t see the connections …
If a radio transmitter sends a signal, we can only get the message if we are tuned to the right wavelength. No different than seeing part of the light spectrum with our eyes, while knowing full well, there are parts of the spectrum we cannot see with our eyes – yet other beings can, technology can see and measure. Like x-rays, gamma rays, radiation from heat to microwaves to generation of nuclear power – these waves are everywhere, passing through us and around us without interruption of our lives or noticing.
We ‘get it’ when we see a Kreskin-like mentalist doing their act, but we do our own too – we don’t notice it as readily, don’t cultivate it, or accept its possibility.
Some readers might think me a bit whacky here, but try it out.
Rather than waiting for the next ‘coincidence,’ try creating them.
If there is someone you’ve meant to call, or who you need to hear from, try thinking about them seriously, try ‘asking them to call,’ or write, or to show up, or do something. It might produce nothing at all, or not.
Then what do you do?
Dismiss it as a coincidence, or accept the possibility that we have untapped potential to communicate with each other?
Reader feedback:
My biggest decision today will be, what kind of workout do I want? We postponed travel south to wait out a nasty winter storm rumbling through Minnesota. Studying forecasts between here and Bradenton is no guarantee of safe passage but it may improve the odds. Posterity demands perfection. That’s a complete fabrication of course. Enjoy your working, relaxing and celebrating weekend, RH, Calgary, AB