Saturday Jan. 23, 2016
Our only affinity, ‘in same place at same moment’.
Add path-crossing collisions, electronically or long distance. Senders, receivers. Like radio waves – thought-burst moments, depositing ideas. Or, we use our phone …
Is life, are we, random? Is life itself, are we, intelligent beyond understanding?
Any group. Words. Random thoughts can, Kreskinlike, connect – unrelated people walking any street, unrelated ideas. Apparently random – cascading series, connections, happenings, consequences – as incongruent as any random strangers, any street.
When ‘there are no accidents’, seems our only plausible answer. But is that a satisfying explanation?
What we focus on expands, connects – we radiate, ideas take root, take route, find fertile ground. That might be somewhere else within our own mind, incongruous ideas finding alignment. Or in someone else’s fertile mind. Across the street? Around the world? Improbable? As improbable as millions of sperm swimming to one egg? As not-understood by anyone just before someone explained it. Think pre-Archimedes, per-Einstein, per-Newton, pre-Hawking. Something exists we cannot see, cannot explain yet – but we can harness it better, I’m sure of that.
If we become less worried about figuring out HOW, and focus more on embracing WHAT – we’ll be ahead of that science, using it before it is fully explained, confident it might be the next new big thing ...
Random strangers, any street, names on my call list or next stall, energy connects to energy. Ideas to people, spreads like a virus without an internet connection. Connection of another kind …
We are ALL at the same place at the same time. Yes! Step back, further back, further away – the ‘bigger view’ you take, we are all closer and closer together. One place physically and metaphorically.
From the far expanse of the Milky Way, we are – all 7billion of us, in the same place. More and more I am appreciating many of us are in the same place in other ways. In our thoughts. In our agreements and like-mindedness, certainly. But take a moment, step past that – wonder how many people have had the same experience you just had, the same feelings you’ve experienced, the same ‘brilliant idea’ you have …
All of us are available to all of us. Think about that a moment or two. Just as we can google a query and have instantaneous findings of everything we might want on anything we might wonder. Now, think about some concentration in your mind of things you would never google, things you would never insert in your search engine (might be too private, too off-the-wall, unheard of, too painful to verbalize or type) – what if? What if, you can communicate with the minds of others – anonymously in a safe place, a safe way, harnessing and engaging help of other brains the same way computers can have their power harnessed together, like a team of draught horses – pulling together, pulling in one direction? Imagine that …
We reach out to make connections.
We simply need to raise our hands. Spread our fingers. Like rooftop antennae’s.
Not ‘an amazing week I had’, but confirmation I should concentrate on important ideas and people who can move toward each other …
Like filings to magnets.
We are all hurtling through space at incredible speed. Still, we can be quiet and feel we are still, to think a while. Reflect a while …
Maybe the mystery of ‘the field’ which fascinated Einstein, mysterious connections that befuddle most spiritual-questioners, the unexplained – might not be space aliens, but rather our incredible untapped potential to move others, to move minds, to move ideas – our brains, the ultimate hands-free device.
Mark Kolke
written / published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 2C/36F, cloudy with a Chinook arch pushing up the sky like a massive clear-span structure, soft snow and some bare-brown-grass (sharp contrast to CNN covering a snow storm as if it was a Category-4 tornado – and proving our American friends have no clues how to drive in snow, or the brains to stay home) … it’s a fantastic day here
Reader feedback:
Thank you so very much for your musings which so often hit right into what is helpful for me to hear on that day, MN, Fort Worth, TX